Using gpu computations in gymecs
Using GPU to speed-up computatons in GymECS
We have previously shown how to define a simple maze game with gymECS
. If we execute the maze, we can compute how many frames per seconds our system is able to achieve (witout rendering).
The simple maze is executed at 65000 frames per seconds (on my computer)
This is mainly due to the fact that the computation is made on a single CPU – knowing that python is not known to be efficient in terms of computation speed.
To speed-up the processing, it is possible to rely on GPU librairies directly in the definition of our entities, components and systems. Note that this is the strategy also adopted in different frameworks like BRAX.
In our ECS, the use of GPU can be made for different usage:
- Parallelizing multiple games as a single game (what we show here)
- Representing multiple agents in a single game
- Making part of the computations in the game (for instance particles)
gymECS allows to put GPU computation anywhere in the game.
Parallelizing the maze game
As an example, let us show how we can parallelize the execution of thousands of mazes using JAX.
Entities and Components
First of all, let us redefine our components and entities, such that the world will contain information about N mazes instead of a single one. For instance, the position of the agents will now be a N x 2 JAX tensor corresponding to the coordinates of the N agents playing the N games. Similarly, the maze map will be a N x Width x Height tensor describing the map of N mazes instead of one.
The entities and components in JAX representing N games
Then, we need to redefine our systems to model the dynamics of N games simultaneously. This can be done by using the lax
functions provided by jax
. Without going into details, let us rewrite the moving system.
First of all, we define single functions to model the movements of a single agent with JAX tensors:
Elementary functions in JAX
Then, thanks to JAX, these functions can be automatically batched to operate on N agents simultaneously. Moreover, we can use the Just-in-time compilation features to compute a very fast system:
Elementary functions in JAX
The remaining of the code is very similar the the previous one (see gymecs_examples/gpumax/
Running the game on GPU. What is the speedup?
Now that the game has been implemented in JAX, I let you see how many frames per seconds you can obtain….. But it is now dozens of millions !!!!
Of course, the drainECS framework is not as fast as a pure C++ or Rust ECS since it is coded in python. But on the other side, it can benefit of the large scale computing tools recently developped in the deep learning community to achieve very high performance but executing computations on GPU.
When developping real games, the usual assumption is to use the GPU solely for rendering, and bringing classical game logics on GPU is not desirable. So, for developping classical games, the python ECS is certainly not the best choice. But many games could beneficiate of GPU computations: don’t you remember the first versions of civilization when you had to wait dozens of seconds between each turn for the game to compute all opponents moves ? And now imagine a civilization on steroids, with millions of agents computed on GPU, even just in python !